
for all its focus on human-centred solution'eering, design seems to have overwhelmingly belittled humans (as “users”), dwindled experiences (into screens) and devised insidious solutions (packaged as snoopy dopamine-bursts).

how does one really innovate in a world where every designer's projects, imaginations and methods look the same?

“in a world obsessed with solution’eering, has anyone stopped to wonder: are we asking the right questions?”

slowstudio is a space, then, to think differently about such things: thinking through prototyping, communicating and experiencing the future we'd like to live in.


to join slowstudio, please read this before applying.

to discuss a project, please write@slow.studio.

slowstudio: bombay, india.
also: on linkedin. not on instagram.


if you'd like to join slowstudio,
please read this—slowly—before applying.

if you'd like to discuss a project,
please write@slow.studio.

slowstudio is registered in india,
and has produced work globally.

besides this website,
it has one outpost in bombay,
and another on linkedin.


join slowstudio:
please read this—slowly—before applying

discuss a project:
please write@slow.studio

bombay, india.

also: on linkedin.
not on instagram.